
Back in Busthineth...

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Uhh, What the fuck?

So, I left the couch for a few days and I found this video on my computer. It looks like poderoso was having a bit of fun with iMovie. Yikes. He's such a weird dude. Anyway, last night he tried to convince me to appear in one of the "shiza videos" he's always taking about.

The Golden Bear isn't really down with pooping on anyone, or having anyone poop on him. In fact, the whole situation kind of grosses the Golden Bear out. Plus, the fucking 400 dollar couch is lumpy.

As many of you know, I have recently published a book. It is available for sale at It has done well in the first few days. So well that I have made quite a lot of jack. I pocketed the money, said "fuck it", and blew the fuck out of Hollywood so fast it would make your head spin.

I have bought and airplane ticket to Beijing. I'm going to the olympics and I'm winning a gold medal. I'll see you motherfuckers later.


daryl said...

in the writing community Daryl Strawberry is known as the Greatest Write Fielder of All Time

the fro with the know said...

Hello friend/acquaintance! It's me, Rel, your oldest/best/favorite friend! I have begun dispensing advice through a zine called the Doran zine, as well as via this "internet." Excited? YOU SHOULD BE. Please ask questions about relationships, work, or anything at all that makes you insecurious.

Thanks! Have a very Rel day!

. said...

the next night we ate whale