
Back in Busthineth...

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


This Bear is back.

See what started this ruckus in the first place.


. said...

the asian katie couric

Anonymous said...


daryl said...

this is DTB (Daryl the blacksmith), the, here

and i'm here to tell you I, and the rest of hard working men and woman in america are on strike, and no not none of that bitch ass picketing strike,

on a rip-raoring-enviormental-river-dumping-toxic-waste-economic-train-wreck-strike.

the golden bear, back? now the D doesn't know how to feel, but he is asking the golden bear if he will take paw in hand with welding glove, and together we can turn those purple mountains magisty into glowing mountains of radioactive decay.

golen bear, i take the risk of extending my hard working hand, will you help me dump the oil drum of america's independence into the river of mystic myth?